Local Services and Businesses
As Bellefonte continues to grow its neighborhoods and businesses, it never loses its small-town appeal.
SpringBoard Launches Grant Program for New and Established Business Owners
In March, SpringBoardA opened up its 2023 grant program as a way to serve and empower the Centre County small business community. This year, two grants will be awarded: one ...
Safe Routes Partnership Selects Downtown Bellefonte Inc. to Help Improve Local Park Access
From a competitive pool of nationwide applicants, the Safe Routes Partnership has selected Downtown Bellefonte Inc.A to join Safe Routes to Parks Pennsylvania Activating Communities, a technical assistance program focused ...
Spend a day in Bellefonte
Bellefonteas 19th- and early 20th-century architecture is sure to turn heads to first-time visitors, but the county seat has seen a surge in new and revitalized businesses in the last ...