Bellefonte Articles

Bellefonte Articles2020-09-04T11:48:50+00:00

Something for everyone your list: Shop Bellefonte this Small Business Saturday

Bellefonte Stories, Eat, Featured, General, Learn, Play|

On Saturday, November 26th, venture around the beautiful streets of Bellefonte and enjoy all the amazing products the vendors here have to offer.

July Friday in the ‘Fonte Activities to be held in Downtown Bellefonte

Eat, General, Learn, Live, Play, Stay|

All festivities will be held at the Centre County Courthouse and along High, Allegheny, Bishop, and Spring Streets. The community and visitors alike are invited to shop, dine, and explore downtown Bellefonte from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. on July 29th.

The Happy Valley Adventure Bureau announces acquisition ofA

Bellefonte Stories, Eat, Featured, General, Learn, Live, Play, Stay|

a We are thrilled to addA Bellefonte.comA to our destination marketing platforms,a said HVAB President and CEO Fritz Smith.

Saturday Night Movies in Talleyrand Park – Luca

Attractions, Community Events, General, Live, Organizations and Clubs, Play, Stay, Things To Do|

2021 Animated Favorite Luca Caps Off the Summer Screening Series. Luca is a film about friendship, a coming of age tale about finding out who you are and what you want to be.

Saturday Night Movies in Talleyrand Park – Back to the Future

General, Live, Play|

Modern Classic Back to the Future screens this Saturday, July 23rd. This film has been loved by generations of moviegoers and this Saturday is the perfect time to introduce your children or grandchildren to this special movie.

Saturday Night Movies in Talleyrand Park

Attractions, Community Events, General, Live, Organizations and Clubs|

An Outdoor Cinema Experience offered by the Bellefonte Womana s Club. Every other Saturday night, starting this Saturday June 11th, there will be a free outdoor screening in Talleyrand of a film the whole family can enjoy.

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