Communities & Nearby Towns

Safe Routes Partnership Selects Downtown Bellefonte Inc. to Help Improve Local Park Access

2023-03-23T18:57:40+00:00March 23rd, 2023|Communities & Nearby Towns, Featured, General, Live, Organizations and Clubs|

From a competitive pool of nationwide applicants, the Safe Routes ...

Opening Day of Trout Season in Bellefonte is Magic for Centre County Kids & Adults

2022-07-17T23:03:21+00:00March 31st, 2022|Communities & Nearby Towns, Community Events, General, Live, Play, Stay, Things To Do|

Here in Bellefonte and Centre County we are luckier than we likely realize. We live in a land where trout are king. And queen.

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PSU students collaborate with Bellefonte nonprofit organizations.

2022-02-18T17:25:21+00:00February 18th, 2022|Communities & Nearby Towns, Featured, Learn, Play|

Three teams of students will work all semester conducting research and developing a strategic communication plan that address needs of the organizations.

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