As part of their senior-level public relations course, students from Penn Stateas Bellisario College of Communications will work with three Bellefonte area nonprofits: Bellefonte Cemetery Association, Bellefonte Arts Museum and Eagle Iron Works at Curtin Village. Three teams of students will work all semester conducting research and developing a strategic communication plan that address needs of the organizations. The teams are charged with executing at least one of their tactics to successful complete the capstone, 400-level course.

The student teams were in Bellefonte this week visiting the sites and talking with the directors of the nonprofits.

Pairing students with community organizations is a win for everyone, according to their professor, Renea Nichols, associate teaching professor, and Bellefonte resident.

aEngagement is more than a buzzword,a said Nichols. aItas really the best way to provide hands-on experience to our students who get to put theory to practice, while understanding the importance of what these nonprofits do for the community. Working closely with these community leaders further encourages our students to get involved in their own communities once they graduate.a

Each team will have a different focus. Students working with the Bellefonte Cemetery Association will work on helping to increase membership, develop social media presence and organize a spring community cleanup of the Historic Union Cemetery. The team assisted with the first 2022 meeting of the Cemetery Association that took place Friday, Feb. 11, at the Borough Council Chambers.

Students working with Bellefonte Art Museum will work to increase local and national awareness of the presence of the Underground Railroad site located within the Linn House and assist with research needed for the application for the National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom Program. The Network to Freedom currently contains over 690 locations nationwide with a verifiable connection to the Underground Railroad.

Students working at the Eagle Iron Works at Curtin Village will work to increase awareness and tourism to the historic property. The team will develop programming to attract PSU students as well as faculty and staff.