


A “can’t miss” part of visiting Victorian Bellefonte is a stay at one of the local bed & breakfasts. These truly unique homes offer a glimpse into Bellefonte’s rich history and their settings give guests quick access to all that Bellefonte has to offer. In addition, there are nearby hotels, motels, inns, cabins and campground options.

Bellefonteas Outdoor Adventure Expo 2023 Planned for Spring

March 30th, 2023|Categories: Annual Events, Community Events, Featured, General, Live, Play, Things To Do|

a by Jodie Dello Stritto TheA Outdoor Adventure Expo, a free-admission event organized and hosted byA Downtown Bellefonte, Inc., highlights the easily accessible natural assets and resources of Bellefonte and ...

Experience the charm of Bellefonte’s Bed & Breakfasts

March 30th, 2023|Categories: Featured, General, Play, Stay|

a By Leah Jackson Sometimes the little things make the biggest difference. Whether youare visiting for business or pleasure, Bellefonteas bed and breakfasts offer a personal experience thatas full of ...

Thousands of athletes compete in IRONMAN 70.3 Pennsylvania Happy Valley, and thousands of volunteers make it possible. Hereas how you can help

March 28th, 2023|Categories: Featured, General, Organizations and Clubs, Play, Things To Do|

- By Sean Yoder Happy Valley residents and visitors can join in the fun and energy thatA IRONMAN 70.3 Pennsylvania Happy ValleyA will be bringing to town this July. On ...

Local Historia continues branching out in 2023

March 27th, 2023|Categories: Featured, Historical Tours, History, Learn, Play, Things To Do|

By Sean Yoder With more public tours in more locations slated for 2023, Local Historiaas contributing historians are working to help people make connections with the past. In just a ...

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