

Local Historia continues branching out in 2023

March 27th, 2023|Categories: Featured, Historical Tours, History, Learn, Play, Things To Do|

By Sean Yoder With more public tours in more locations slated for 2023, Local Historiaas contributing historians are working to help people make connections with the past. In just a ...

Darkness on the Edge of Town: A Guide to Bellefonte’s Local Night Skies

March 26th, 2023|Categories: Featured, General, Learn, Live, Play|

ByA Serge Bielanko Cherry Springs this and Cherry Springs that. Sometimes I get a little miffed at hearing people go on and on aboutA Cherry Springs State Park. I mean, ...

From Hollywood to Titan Energy Park: Angela Eliasz is creating (tasty) magic

March 25th, 2023|Categories: Eat, Featured, General, Live, Play|

By Sean Yoder Before opening Witches Hollow Winery and Mad McIntosh Cider at Titan Energy Park, Angela Eliasz worked in special effects in Hollywood. Then, she decided to make a ...

SpringBoard Launches Grant Program for New and Established Business Owners

March 24th, 2023|Categories: Featured, General, Live, Organizations and Clubs|

In March, SpringBoardA opened up its 2023 grant program as a way to serve and empower the Centre County small business community. This year, two grants will be awarded: one ...

Safe Routes Partnership Selects Downtown Bellefonte Inc. to Help Improve Local Park Access

March 23rd, 2023|Categories: Communities & Nearby Towns, Featured, General, Live, Organizations and Clubs|

From a competitive pool of nationwide applicants, the Safe Routes Partnership has selected Downtown Bellefonte Inc.A to join Safe Routes to Parks Pennsylvania Activating Communities, a technical assistance program focused ...

Bellefonte Raiders Lacrosse Teams Bring Back Popular Fundraiser to Again Feature The Best That Bellefonte Has to Offer and Support Growing Program

March 15th, 2023|Categories: Bellefonte Stories, Community Events, Featured, Organizations and Clubs, Play, Schools|

By Jodie Dello Stritto The Bellefonte Raiders had a milestone season in 2022. The Lady Raiders Varsity team had the winningest season in program history and earned a spot ...

Raising the Entrepreneurial Bar a SpringBoard Expands in Downtown Bellefonte

January 31st, 2023|Categories: Community Events, Featured, General, Live, Organizations and Clubs|

SpringBoard, a coworking space and small business innovation center, is set to open in a new location in the heart of downtown Bellefonte. The community is invited to Open ...

Local Historia Makes Connecting with History Easy

January 5th, 2023|Categories: Featured, Historical Places, Historical Tours, History, Learn, Things To Do|

By Teresa Mull Itas common to take your homeland and its fascinating history for granted. Walking past the same buildings, driving by landmarks over and over on your way ...

Impressions of Happy Valley Pennsylvania from

January 5th, 2023|Categories: Eat, Play, Stay, Things To Do|

By Anna Cook Anna fromA StuckOnTheGo.comA recently visited for a #hosted trip to Happy Valley, Pennsylvania. Anna was kind enough to share her first impressions of herA trip with ...

July Friday in the ‘Fonte Activities to be held in Downtown Bellefonte

July 27th, 2022|Categories: Eat, General, Learn, Live, Play, Stay|

All festivities will be held at the Centre County Courthouse and along High, Allegheny, Bishop, and Spring Streets. The community and visitors alike are invited to shop, dine, and explore downtown Bellefonte from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. on July 29th.

The Happy Valley Adventure Bureau announces acquisition ofA

July 19th, 2022|Categories: Bellefonte Stories, Eat, Featured, General, Learn, Live, Play, Stay|

a We are thrilled to addA Bellefonte.comA to our destination marketing platforms,a said HVAB President and CEO Fritz Smith.

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