AAUW State College Used Book Sale
May 16, 2023 @ 9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Book lovers, unite!
The 61st Annual AAUW State College Used Book Sale will be held May 13-16 at the Penn State Snider Ag Arena (800 East Park Avenue in State College), located diagonally across from Beaver Stadium at the corner of East Park Avenue and Fox Hollow Road.
The books offered at the event are generously donated by local community members in the ten months prior to the sale. AAUW members sort and price the books at their Used Book Workshop, located at 2197 High Tech Road near University Park Airport.
The sale runs 9:00 am a 8:00 pm Saturday-Monday, and will close at 7:00 pm on May 16th, the final day. It is sponsored by the American Association of University Women (AAUW) State College.
With an estimated 150,000 books for sale, the AAUW State College Used Book Sale is the largest known book sale on the East Coast. They are priced to sell, and sorted into 30 different categories. The children’s section alone boasts over 25,000 books. Other popular sections are fiction, literature, biography, art, collectors, sports, hobbies, history, mysteries, hobbies, and sports.
Monday, May 15 is Half Price Day and Tuesday, May 16 is Bag Day, when a bag of books may be purchased for $8.00. Shoppers, PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN recyclable shopping bags. We are all about reuse and recycling!
In keeping with Penn State regulations, no more than 450 people will be allowed in the Arena at any one time. Throughout the entire weekend, shoppers will find the selection of books extremely strong. There will still be many treasures to be found on the final two days, when the bargains are quite exceptional.
Where the Money Goes – With 2022 book sale proceeds AAUW State College awarded approximately 20 local grants totaling more than $50,000 to groups who in some way reflect the AAUW mission to advance equity for women and girls. STEM programs for girls, literacy, and self-esteem are key focuses. In addition, the group awards 3-4 major undergraduate scholarships each year to returning adult women students.
We accept cash, checks and major credit cards. Parking is free.
Learn more at www.aauwstatecollege.org/booksale.